Category Archives: Business blog

What Constitutes the Shady Side of Wealth?

When a majority of the world remains in a constant struggle to achieve the wealthier status, it is important to understand the mind-wealth connection deeply. Is there a limit to being wealthy or do people stop somewhere from further accumulation of money? Let’s start by knowing how money impacts the brain, which is also the reason why most individuals keep playing with their physical and mental health to only focus on working hard to earn.

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Ego satisfaction: Firstly, ego is of several types, from serving oneself in a narcissistic manner to satisfying one’s need to be recognized as powerful. Wealth is one of the best ways that many people use to serve different types of ego. There are those who believe that rich rule this world and money can buy everything for them. Then, there are those who think that they can gain the control over others’ opinions and lives if they can achieve a wealthier status. This is because our society has been programmed in a way to worship the rich and believe that rich individuals are mostly the result of hard work. Using such mind programming, a few higher strata individuals also flaunt their ability to work hard to earn money, which is another type of ego that they are serving unconsciously. Although it is not harmful at the initial stages of wealth accumulation when it is done with the purpose of meeting basic needs of life, this behavior can go to dangerous levels when that ego about the ability to hard work starts reflecting in an individual’s deteriorating bodily, mental or soul health. This is a good reason to keep introspecting in order to keep a check on one’s deep attachment to monetary things and the level of richness one desires to achieve for internal satisfaction and life’s stability and security.

Power: It is true that money offers stability and security to everybody. However, it is also true that it centers the power in the middle of the palm of its owner. The good side of this power is that it delivers the required confidence and control over life to the owner, as they get more to spend towards living comfortably. The shady side, on the other hand, shows up at a stage when the person forgets where to stop or slow the process of accumulating wealth and start enjoying the real life for which they have earned or have been earning. Just a few people recognize this to stay grounded and balanced while hiding under the bundles of notes; the rest realize the importance of living life happily when their final breaths begin snatching their money power. Well, money can surely deliver power in a world of illusions, but it cannot buy healthy emotions, true love, peace, tranquility, or a set of new breaths for anybody!

Status and identity: Reaching the top is a dream for many, but do many understand the identity differences and social distances wealth creates? There are again two sides of the coin. It is great to build oneself up and rise to the peak of success positively. Money then becomes a part of the natural career progression process. Sharing such wealth with the loved ones and other people in need definitely carves a great identity for a high-status individual. The other side is much darker. When somebody rich has no concern with social welfare, the same wealth can make them arrogant through their status and unconcerned about the emotions and problems of the unprivileged. According to many studies, a higher socioeconomic class makes a large bunch of people feel special and worthy of what they have earned. Class privilege then defeats the teachings to the world that there are fair opportunities available to all. It oppresses lower-status individuals and demands them to work harder to gain their fair share of success, even without a concern for their survival conditions. Rich by default become the ignorant judges of poor in such cases, neglecting the differences between the skills and abilities at both ends. Still, this behavior is limited to a portion of wealthy population, and perceptions of higher strata individuals are also changing with times.

Addictions: Another shady side of wealth is its addictive nature. One earns and then earns more and then some more as their lifestyle alters along with this behavior. After the basic and luxury needs are met, one may move towards exploring more ways to spend their earnings. Alcohol, drugs, gaming, gambling, eating – these become causal activities. The individual may thus start moving up from the grounded reality and the roots from which they have risen. However, their brain chemistry may become so exhilarating that in no time, the coin may flip to the other side where anxiety and depression stay in the lack of grounding ability.

How to Avoid the Shady Side of Wealth?

While rising through the ladder of success, it is critical to keep a watch on one’s ego and hunger for power and control. It is also important to see whether you are managing your wealth right and serving the society you want to lead. Spending unnecessarily and unreasonably can waste the precious wealth you may have built through actual hard work. Avoid the waste and use it to heal others who do not have the opportunities available to be like you. Be sensitive to the emotions of those who are not bestowed with a rich destiny in this lifetime. Spend on some luxury but don’t go addictive and overboard. Nobody will ever reward you for owning 100 cars and 10 houses! Nobody can even help you to carry all that stuff to the metaphysical world…!

10 Quick Tips to Be More Creative Right Now

As promised in my previous post, you can gain some real quick tips to be creative right now. If you always thought it to be complex to arrive at new ideas, then it is going to be super-easy from now on. It is simply about training your mind. Check out some ways to think out of the box and make it a habit to be creative:

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  1. Be open-minded: The first thing you must do is to keep your mind open to thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Resisting new ideas will stop you from being creative. Thus, start by appreciating every change that happens around you. Then, train your mind to stay adaptive and learning-oriented. Learn from any and every concept, event, source, etc.
  2. Gain domain knowledge: People who experiment with their skills and innovate have good knowledge in their domains. For instance, a musician can only create new tunes when he/she has the knowledge of creating music. Thus, start gaining more knowledge on your subject. Move to Internet and search for fresh information on any topic you find intriguing. You will be surprised at what all you learn. New learning will trigger creative thoughts.
  3. Solve an old problem: If you were thinking about completing a task but were facing an obstacle to do so, then rethink. If you do not have enough information to solve it, search online. Keep exploring relevant information until you arrive at a minimum of one solution to that problem. A good start may give you other creative ideas to solve that problem.
  4. Doodle it: Even if you have a weird thought in mind, try doodling it. You do not need to be a great artist to doodle your idea. Draw anything that comes to mind and you will automatically be inspired to make it better and come up with fresh ideas to mend your doodle. You may carry a sketchbook to doodle your sudden ideas anytime, anywhere.
  5. Link up things: Select any two items in your home and think how you would link them up. For instance, the creator of roller skates might have thought of linking shoes and wheels. What is your idea of linking up things?
  6. Explore a picture: Take any picture or painting to explore keenly. Write down all you notice about that picture. Adopt a fresh perspective to look at it every time and keep noting down your ideas. Whether you like or dislike something or want to change an element, keep a note. Take a break and review your notes later. You will find how creative you have been with your thoughts.
  7. Be curious: To be creative, you have to be curious. Go to watch a play. Attend a concert. Visit an art gallery. If nothing is possible, explore creative videos on the Internet. Be curious about the art so you may know more about it and create some of your own.
  8. Read a novel: If you have a good story book or novel, start reading it. You can also download e books. When you read a story, you will be curious to know about further happenings. Hundreds of new thoughts will come to your mind. Work on it if you get a wonderful idea.
  9. Go for a walk: To stimulate your mind, it is also helpful to move physically. When you go for a walk around your block, you will meet different people and notice a lot of activities. Make a habit of observation and giving a thought to such activities. One thought will lead to another and many more.
  10. Do things differently: Whether it is about cooking your meal with changed ingredients or taking a new route to office, you should make a change today. Experiment on doing things differently.

Creativity is only about making a change in the way you think. Initiate the training of your mind immediately!

On the World Creativity and Innovation Day, Anybody Can Be Creative!

April 21 marked the World Creativity and Innovation Day. For those who could not have imagined that such a day exists, a suggestion is to start being more creative and celebrate the occasion on a positive note. While you may have a truly creative soul like mine, there are many individuals who feel that creativity is a waste of time. Some even criticize those who are creative in nature. A few days back, I created the following for all critics of creativity –

However, I also realized that the actual problem of such individuals is that they cannot think out of the box and get creative ideas. It is obvious for them to become a critic then. This does not mean that they are incapable of generating fresh ideas, but simply that creativity requires a good amount of positive mental energy to come into existence and they may not want to invest that energy. On the other hand, it is important for every individual to know that progress is not made through repeated actions but through innovative ones. If you expect fresh results through the same action every time, then it just stays your expectation. Thus, be real and embrace creativity if you want to excel in any field.

Creativity is not confined to sketching or painting. It spreads to every domain you can imagine. While a shoemaker needs to be creative to design a new type of shoe per emerging customer demands, a social worker also needs to be creative to awaken and convince people about a genuine cause. Being innovative will not only help your mental energies to grow and be active, but it will also benefit your overall health, build positivism and confidence, empower you at personal and professional levels, and offer inner joy. You will work out fresh solutions to problems that remain unsolved through traditional methods or the lack of it.

Here is a great quote that explains the importance of innovation and inspires you to be a creative person today and every day:

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” – Jalaluddin Rumi, The Essential Rumi

It is truly inspirational and motivational to listen to the way others have tackled issues and done something new in life. However, real inspiration and intrinsic motivation will only come from the achievements you make by being creative and carving your own path. Not everyone has the same journey of life. Take an oath to be creative each day and make your journey beautiful and inspirational for the world. Creativity is the best way to justify your existence and purpose in life.

(For those who want to gain some quick tips on being more creative, I have my next post coming in real quick. Keep a watch!)

Mondays Can Be Motivating – Here is How to Scare Away Your Monday Blues

Do you find it dreadful to face Monday when you have to finish off the weekend and get back to work? However, it is not the Monday that scares you, but it is your energy, attitude and mental setup for the Monday. Change it all and you will find that Mondays can be motivating too! Here is how to scare away your Monday blues in just 5 steps:

  1. Adopt a positive attitude: Your attitude is the way you perceive something or some situation. If you feel negative about Monday, it may even spoil your entire work week. Thus, tell yourself that Mondays are beautiful and motivating. Set a positive attitude by thinking that the day will be successful for you and will bring cheer and energy.
  2. Plan and organize your day: Planning is a critical part of every activity. Thus, it is important that you plan for each day at work. If you do not have a plan to complete certain tasks during a day within a given time, then it can be a mess when you receive sudden work demands. Use an organizer app, a calendar, or a To-Do list to plan your Monday. Do this on the weekend itself so you can check your schedule on Monday morning before setting it in your mind to implement it.
  3. Keep your weekend relaxed: A tiring work week and then a tiring weekend can be hell when you begin a fresh week. It is essential to relax your mind and body on the weekend so you can be fit and energetic to start a new Monday. Whether you pursue a hobby on the weekend, listen to soothing music, meditate, groom yourself or cook a great meal for your family, every bit will help you to rejuvenate your mind and body.
  4. Treat the root issues: Sometimes, you are scared of facing the Monday after a fun weekend, as you are scared of going to your workplace, meeting a bad colleague, doing a complex task or nodding to your boss’ commands. If you feel the problem is with your work, boss, environment or anything linked to your life, then make sure to treat that problem from the root. Else, every Monday will bring in the same ill-feeling for you. For instance, request for a vacation if you feel burnt out or ask your boss to give you a challenging responsibility if your work is monotonous.
  5. Hug a Monday: When you are done with all the above steps, ensure to hug Mondays or every new day that comes to your life. Remember that not everyone in life witnesses a new day. Treat a day as a blessing, as it gives you ample opportunities to grow and develop, as well as learn from it. Smile more to release your happiness hormone.

Keep learning from the things that you find difficult, and keep celebrating things that you find joyful. It will ease off every situation and make you hug the Monday – Tuesday – Friday. Be positive, be happier.